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how to parent install report child blog activity (2 posts)

  1. user657
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I want do have the front page of the parent install list all child blogs and in another area of the same page list maybe the last 5 post for each child blog. I will worry about formating and layout later, just need ideas for code to do it. This is for news site were the public home page will be the parent install which will report the activity of around 20 child blogs.

  2. heyguy
    Posted 17 years ago #

    There is a function in /wp-includes/wpmu-funtions.php to get the list of blogs. I think it's called get_blog_list.

    For posts you could just pull the RSS feeds from each site you want, or use the sitewide feed plugin (search for it) and pull the last x number of posts from across the entire site.

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