Installation woes :(
Did it by the book (chmod and all) but the script fails to create the wp-config.php on line 315 (and so fails on subsequent lines as well).
It says (desensitized) : Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: Unable to access wp-config.php in /www/docs/ on line 315
and so on and so on.
No other error messages at all (so it's not a permission issue, I can su to the webserver user and create files that way in the directory). mod_rewrite is enabled.
And since I cannot create it manually (or can I? Please!?) I'm stuck. Very stuck. No amount of chgrp, chmod, chown on files or directories makes this error go away and I cannot find anyone with the same problem. Please could we have a manual install option too, instead of just "use the installer, period"
php 5.1.4, apache 2.2.3, solaris 10, mysql 5 on a different server.
On a side note, I installed the same wordpress package on my windows laptop without a hitch. Might I be able to just move the wp-config.php from my laptop to the server, adjusting accordingly, and create the database tables from a mysql-dump from my laptop? Would that make it ok?