I don't understand what this are?
Is this spam?
How can I resolve that?
Look at my website
I don't understand what this are?
Is this spam?
How can I resolve that?
Look at my website
looks like the newest tricks, spammers signing up with spamblogs, using "lots" of spam-links inside their blog-titles :-)
any idea pleas ?
iam sory
thank you very
http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=5880&page&replies=36 or incorporate other captchas, those "might" decrease your spam, stopping automated blog signups
thank you Ovidiu
how i can stopped automated blog signups?
That's the million dollar question.
Thus far, you can't.
You should run a strip tags on the posted blog title though. You can also (on top of that) limit the number of allowed characters for that field.
Wasn't that issue fixed in the latest code? The stripping tags from the title that is.
thanks all
i havs fixed the problem
thank you very much
i have droped the spam blog that greated by spamer