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Bug in changing Home url (5 posts)

  1. Hassan1
    Posted 17 years ago #

    when I change "Home" URL in edit blogs section and click to view edited blog.I get a 404 NOT found error. the blog shows correctly(with same name,same sidebar) but with no post! (even feed,categories or archives has not any post)
    Why?! Is it a bug?
    I could change it(to any thing) before. when I did it all permalinks URL change to new address(ex: for about page from user.domain.tld/about/ to sub.domain2.tld/about/)
    Note: that's not important for me new address really works or not. I just want to change urls in front page of blog.(is there another way)


  2. Hassan1
    Posted 17 years ago #

  3. theapparatus
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I believe the URL is listed a total of 4 times within the edit blog page. Be sure to edit them all.

  4. Hassan1
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks for the reply. I changed all with no success.(I use subdirectory)

  5. Hassan1
    Posted 17 years ago #

    another thing. I changed permalink structure for a blog and get the same error.
    I deleted permalink structure (to use domain.tld/?p=1) and now all things(include Home url) works fine.

    I'm mixed up!

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