(I searched, did not find anything helpful)
What I'm trying to do is CASify wordpress mu. I found some instructions http://www.andrejciho.com/wordpress-mu/wpmu-cas-integration/ and that went ok with some tweaking (version irregularities I suspect), except I got the same infinite redirection loop that a lot of people have been getting, when trying to log into wp-admin (both main site and sub blogs)
What I would actually like to do is write my own script to do exactly what I want :) So i'm looking for an explanation of the session handling/authentication procedure that wordpress mu uses. I've set the cookies in my own script, but wordpress ignores them or at least I always get redirected to the login page. What exactly do I need to do to for WPMU to recognize me as an authenticated user?
a) set cookies
b) get userinfo and store it into session(?)
c) obviously something else that I'm missing?
Any useful links or pointers?