Greetings, I want to run a very exclusive and controlled Blog network, in which, I manually create the blogs for specific users. However, I do want people to be able to register as regular users and leave comments, have profiles, etc but I don't want them to have a Blog.
Is there a way to do this?
WPmu should have an option to select the registration options from the admin panel.
Actually it's an option on Dashboard -> Site Admin -> Options now as of Changeset 1062 although it appears it doesn't work fully.
Thanks for quick replies, the changeset 1062 with the small fix works like a charm, It should be integrated as a standard
Posted 16 years ago #
"It should be integrated as a standard"
It will be in the next released version. There just hasn't been a release since it was added.
that is really good news then, this is a very important feature, and by the first answer I got here, I asusme many people ask the same question.