I have been running my wordpress mu installation on http://www.targetgenx.com
It would be great to have your comments and suggestions about my site.
I have been running my wordpress mu installation on http://www.targetgenx.com
It would be great to have your comments and suggestions about my site.
Your theme throws a 500 error looking for http://targetgenx.com/wp-content/themes/modernpaper/images/favicon.ico.
When visiting a blog, the link back to your main blog page(or brand if you like) is invisible.
Hook into the footer to brand every page of every blog as a targetgenx blog.
I like the targetgenx logo, perhaps is should be in every sidebar/footer/favicon as well.
Google will find the content of each page, but your brand remains invisible.
http://www.targetgenx.com/ via http://validator.w3.org/ shows many markup validation errors (inline style rather css for most it appears).
hey thanx dsader....
i really now need to gather up some time 2 solve these issues...