Ok heres my environment:
windows server 2000
MySQL 5.1
using MySQL Administrator
Created the wordpress database and wordpress user giving them all the permissions.
I moved the wordpress files to a directory in my htdocs folder called wordpress.
I went to http://localhost.localdomain/wordpress/index.php
I get the normal page I filled in the database information and then i click submit and I get a page not found error.
No clue why it won't work.
Could be a lot, really. Best way I foudn to track it down is to hack the install file and insert a bunch of echo commands right before each step, so they are displayed on the screen.
Then at least it will tell you where it dies.
Also, are you using virtual subdomains? Did you set it up for that?
Its so weird everything is fine everything displays on the install script. I filled it all out and then I hit submit and it get a page not found error.
Check to make SURE all files are there too.
They are all there. It was a fresh install from the zip file.
The error isn't page can not be found it is page can not be displayed. It's an error 500
Did you do what I suggested above?
How about a fresh zip from trac?
Other people have been able to install just fine, so you have to narrow down what's happening on your box.
So its a 500 error - anything in the Apache Server logs?