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Site Admin - Blogs - Edit Blog documentation help (7 posts)

  1. jsherk
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm hoping some people can help me understand some of the settings in the Site Admin->Blogs->Edit Blogs panel (1.2.5a), and perhaps it can be added to the docs/codex afterwards.

    If anybody can add LOTS of details to even one item, that would be helpful (both for me and for others).


    URL http://
    Main url of the site ex:
    Q: How is this related to SITE URL below?

    The path to the blog (include slashes, but without the url) ex: /myblog/
    Q: How is this related to SITE URL below?

    The date the blog was registered.

    Last Updated
    The date the blog was last updated.

    Public Yes No
    Q: Played with this setting, but not sure what it does!?! Does this have to do with the blog being visible(public) to serach engines?

    Archived Yes No
    Q: What happens when this is set to yes?

    Mature Yes No
    Q: What happens when this is set to yes?

    Spam Yes No
    Q: What happens when this is set to yes?

    Deleted Yes No
    When a user chooses to delete their blog, it is flagged as deleted, but not actually deleted from the database.

    The url and path to the blog. ex:
    Q: How does this relate to URL and PATH up above?

    Name of the blog.

    Description of the blog.

    Users Can Register
    Q: Does this turn on (1) or turn off (0) whether users can Self-Register (Users Can Register Themselves) for a blog?

    Admin Email
    This is the email that will receive notifications about the blog.

    Start Of Week
    0=Sunday 1=Monday ... 6=Saturday
    Q: What is this used for?

    Use BalanceTags
    Q: What are these?

    Use Smilies
    Q: Does this turn on (1) or off (0) the the replacement of things like :) with emoticons?

    Require Name Email
    Q: Does this turn on (1) the requirement for a name and email for users that are registering?

    Comments Notify
    1=Notify admin of comments posted
    0=Do not notify admin

    Posts Per Rss
    Don't know much about RSS, but obviously it

    Mailserver Url
    Mailserver domain. ex:
    Q: What is the mailserver used for?

    Mailserver Login
    Mailserver user login name.

    Mailserver Pass
    Mailserver user login password.

    Mailserver Port
    Port to use for mailserver. Usually port 80.

    Default Category
    The default category posts will get posted too.
    Q: If set to 0 , will it post in the top level (no category)?
    Q: Where do we find the category number associated with each category?

    Default Comment Status
    Q: What does this do?
    Q: The defaul is OPEN. What other options are there?

    Default Ping Status
    Q: What does this do?
    Q: The defaul is OPEN. What other options are there?

    Default Pingback Flag
    Q: What does this do?

    Default Post Edit Rows
    Q: What does this do?

    Posts Per Page
    How many posts you want displayed per page.

    What To Show
    Q: Is this what appears on the main page of the blog?
    Q: Default is POSTS. What are the other choices?

    Date Format
    The date format, as used in PHP. See

    Time Format
    The time format, as used in PHP. See

    Links Updated Date Format
    The date format of updated links. See

    Links Recently Updated Prepend
    An HTML opening tag, to set the display style.

    Links Recently Updated Append
    The HTML closing tag for the tag above in PREPEND.

    Links Recently Updated Time
    Q: What does this do?

    Comment Moderation
    1=Comments must be approved before they get posted.
    0=Comments will be posted immediately.

    Moderation Notify
    If comments need moderation, then send an email to admin user email to let them know there is a comment that needs to be approved.

    Permalink Structure
    How permalomls will be displayed.

    Browser should use compression (if it supports it), when retrieving page.

    Hack File
    Q: What's this?

    Blog Charset
    The character set the blog should use. Default is utf-8.
    Q: What are other choices available?

    Moderation Keys
    What's this?

    Active Plugins
    Plugins available for this blog.
    Q: How do you specify them? Comma seperated? Do you use the name including the extension (like eventcalendar.php)?

    Q: How does this relate to URL, PATH, and SITEURL up above?

    Category Base
    Q: What's this?

    Ping Sites
    Q: What's this do?

    Advanced Edit
    Q: Advanced edit for what?

    Comment Max Links
    The maximum number of links allowed in a comment.

    Gmt Offset
    Your time offset from Greenwich Meantime.

    Default Email Category
    When posting by email, which category will it be posted too.
    Q: If set to 0 , will it post in the top level (no category)?
    Q: Where do we find the category number associated with each category?

    Recently Edited
    Q: What's this?

    Use Linksupdate
    Q: What's this?

    Either the directory or the name (not sure which) of the template file you want to use in the wp-content/themes directory.

    Either the directory or the name (not sure which) of the stylesheet file you want to use in the wp-content/themes directory.

    Comment Whitelist
    Q: What's this?

    Page Uris
    Not changeable

    Blacklist Keys
    Q: What's this?

    Comment Registration
    1=User must be registered to leave a comment

    Html Type
    Q: What are the options?

    Use Trackback
    1=Use trackback

    Default Role
    The default role of new subscribers.
    Q: What are the options?

    Db Version
    Q: What's this?

    Uploads Use Yearmonth Folders
    1=Use the Yearmonth folder type for uploads.

    Upload Path
    Where uploaded files will actually go.

    What's this?

    Blog Public
    Q: What's this, and how does it relate to the "Public Yes No" at the top of the list?

    Default Link Category
    Q: What's this?

    Show On Front
    Q: I think this determines whether it shows posts or a page on the front page. What are the actual options that can be here?

    Fileupload Url
    Q: What's this, and how does it relate to 'Upload Path' above?

    Post Count
    Q: What's this?

    Rewrite Rules

    Themes allowed with this blog.
    Q: What is the proper format here?

    New Admin Email
    Q: What's this?

    Q: What's this?

    Q: What's this?

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Most of the time, IME, you will hardly use these options. I think they are there if you really need to get at them other than thru phpmyadmin or can't/won't get to the backend of the blog itself.

    "Public Yes No
    "Q: Played with this setting, but not sure what it does!?! Does this have to do with the blog being visible(public) to serach engines?"

    Yep. At signup, the user is asked to pick if they want it removed from search engines and public listings around the site. they can change this in their own backend anyway.

    "Archived Yes No
    Q: What happens when this is set to yes?"
    the blog is marked as archived. Not usre what it does on the front end, havent; used it, haven;t seen much talk of it.

    "Mature Yes No
    Q: What happens when this is set to yes?"
    Blog is marked as mature. This is for functionality that isn;t quite in there. say you have soem 'adult" blogs on your system. This woudl be how you keep track. :)

    "Spam Yes No
    Q: What happens when this is set to yes?"
    Blog is marked as spam, user can;t get to it, big message is displayed when anyone tries to visit. Also, when the site amdin goes to the blog listing (site admin -> blogs) it will be highlighted in light red.

    "Deleted Yes No
    When a user chooses to delete their blog, it is flagged as deleted, but not actually deleted from the database."
    That's right - same stuff happens as above, but it is highlighte din RED. This way, if a user deletes their blog and changes their mind 24 hrs later, the site admin can actually undelete it.

    "Use Smilies
    Q: Does this turn on (1) or off (0) the the replacement of things like :) with emoticons?"

    "Require Name Email
    Q: Does this turn on (1) the requirement for a name and email for users that are registering? "
    Supposedly. But within MU, users have to register at the main blog first.

    "Ping Sites
    Q: What's this do?"
    Sends a trackback when you've linked to soemone else's post when writing a post/page.

    "Advanced Edit
    Q: Advanced edit for what?"
    The Rich Text Editor in the post area. It's for whether it's turned on or not.

    "Post Count
    Q: What's this?"
    How many posts their are.

    "Blog Charset
    The character set the blog should use. Default is utf-8.
    Q: What are other choices available?"
    Whatever ones listed in the db manager (like phpmyadmin). Default is uytf8 and you are never ever going to need to touch this ever unless you run a site in a language other than English and have speciall characters. And even then, I;m not so sure.

    "Moderation Keys
    What's this?"
    Values for when to moderate comments

    "Active Plugins
    Plugins available for this blog.
    Q: How do you specify them? Comma seperated? Do you use the name including the extension (like eventcalendar.php)? "
    Normally you don't specify them here. You go to the blog and activate the ones you want.

    Um.. and glancing down at a bunch of the rest... you won't be tweaking these values hardly ever. There are some I've used, but most you won't. There are all duplicates for every single option available for each blog, and IMO it's just easier to go to the backend and change them. Most of the time, the blog user handles it. I think the only time you'd ever use the bulk of this menu is if you've turned off most of the menu for the blog admins.

    The only thing I've ever changed from here is the list on the right, where it lists themes turned off for everyone. Here is where you'd make a theme available for just that blog.

    So my guess for this page as to why it's undocumented is:
    a) it's redundant info
    b) much of it is self-explanitory
    c) as a site admin, you rarely use it

    On the odd chance a user does something to render their blog unuseable, yes you can change things from here, like remove an active plugin from the list, or force their email to go somewhere else.

    I;d love to see if anyone else uses these options.

  3. jsherk
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Okay, thanks... now that I figured out what the 'backend' is, I see your point!!!

  4. mikong
    Posted 17 years ago #

    hi andrea_r,

    jsherk's initial post asked about how URL, SiteURL, Home, Fileupload URL are all related. My question is in related to this.

    We initially installed Wordpress MU on our local server and during installation, we specified the Server Address to an internal IP (i.e. After playing around with the features and plugins, we now want it to be made available using a dynamic DNS. I can't seem to find a way to reset the Server Address. I tried tracing the code in index-install.php and just found that it was stored in the form input basedomain, and later passed to a domain variable, stored somewhere in the DB, etc.

    The closest admin configuration I found is the Edit Blog's URL, Site URL, Home, and Fileupload URL. Why is the base domain repeatedly specified on those fields? Does it mean the base domain can be different for the URL, Site URL, Home, etc?

    In modifying these fields, am I in the right direction if I want to make a blog available through a dynamic DNS?


  5. theapparatus
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Does it mean the base domain can be different for the URL, Site URL, Home, etc?

    Yes, note that has the upload directories located elsewhere (ie

    Best bet I would think would be to export out the database, do a search and replace, and reimport in. That way you get all of occurances. If you're trying to 'save' your current blogs, all those tables will have the URL in there as well.

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    My short answer is I don't know. :)

    My best guess would be that, since those fields are just repeating what's in the db, they are replicated because they are db indexes. I'd have to double-check that though.

    Um, and since I don't know I went and did a quick read-up - if the IP is dynamic, isn't it still tied to a static name? Why not use the name?

  7. eyeonthetigers
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hi All,

    I'm still trying to figure out...
    Use BalanceTags
    Q: What are these?

    Any ideas?

    Specifically my users don't seem to be able to centre a logo for some reason - I thought this might be why?

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by jsherk
  • Latest reply from eyeonthetigers