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Localize a sub-blog (6 posts)

  1. naijin
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hello, I have searched the forums, but I could not find a proper solution..

    Is it possible to only localize 1 (2,3,etc... basically not all!) sub-blog?

    All my sub-blogs are in English, except one which has to be in Spanish.

    If I make changes in wp-config it affects all sub-blogs.

  2. naijin
    Posted 17 years ago #


  3. xknown
    Posted 17 years ago #

    You only need to upload the Spanish language file to wp-content/languages and change the "Blog language" option of that blog (Options->General).

  4. naijin
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Ah, that was easy enough. Thanks.

    The only thing it translated is the months in the Archive section though.

    How would I translate "Filed Under" for example.. ?

  5. mark-k
    Posted 17 years ago #

    You also need to use a localized spanish theme for this to work.

  6. xknown
    Posted 17 years ago #

    How would I translate "Filed Under" for example.. ?

    You can use "Clasificado en", "Categorizado en" or "Archivado en".

    You may want to look other Spanish localized themes, here is the translation file for dkret:

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