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Gravatars (24 posts)

  1. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I've put together two plugins that uses Gravatars om MU. They're tested on 1.2.1 and 1.3RC3. The first one is to use Gravatars on comments, and the other one is for a profile picture. The second one is based on the work of Suleiman's "The Author Description Widget", and it gives the same result, just using the users Gravatar instead.

    They're both placed in the mu-plugins folder.

    If there is any interest in these plugins, I'll make them public. Both plugins requires you to edit the path to the default picture, but that's it.

    They're both active on (norwegian!)


  2. mark-k
    Posted 17 years ago #

    bloggsbe, Are you kidding? people are always interested in looking at the code behind the functionality, even if just to learn how to implement similar things by themself.

  3. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    mark-k; I see your point :-)

    The plugins can be downloaded here.


  4. mark-k
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Some suggestions for improvements

    1. place the image inside a link to the author's site
    2. under the site admin add a place where the admin can configure the url to the default image
    3. Somewhat different approach:
    a. at the get_comment_author_link hook, store the e-mail address in global variable
    b. at the comment_text hook, append the gravatar image url in a DIV with a float:right style.

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    You could also upload a copy to so people can find it easily.

  6. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    There has been some development on this plugin. You can read about it over at


  7. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    does this conflict with the other wpmu avatar plugin?

  8. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well, yes it does. In the sense that you will then display both avatars. I've not tried to use them both at the same time, but I think that will be the result...

    You could work around that by checking if the value returned from $blog_id is in the "avatars" folder, and in that case show the avatar, but if you do that, you should also put in an option to let the user select the one he or she would like to use...

    But, your users also has the options to turn of the MU-Gravatar from their Dashboard, ant then the wpmu-avatar will kick inn - as far as comments go.

    When it comes to the Author Profile widget, I'm not sure what will happen when you have to Widgets with the same name. You could change the name of either one of them, and then they should work side by side...

    /me thinks :-)


  9. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    New version is out (1.6). Your users now have the option to use their Gravatars in front of every blog post as well. So, to wrap it up;

    This plugin gives your users:

    • The use of Gravatars with comments
    • The use of Gravatars with the Author profile (with widget)
    • The option to choose left or right side for Gravatar within the comment section
    • The option to show their own Gravatar in front of every blog post

    You can get the plugin from either WPMUDEV or from here


  10. dsader
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I followed both links to broken urls. "G" not "g" in file name.

  11. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #


    My bad!

    Corrected CAPTIAL typo :-) The URI for WPMUDEV is this, the URI for the other site is correct, and the filname is now correct!

    I'm sorry for the error - errare humanum est!


  12. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    There is now a new version of this plugin. There is now an option for the site admin to set a sitewide default Gravatar via the WPMU-Admin part of Dashbord. So now there is no need to hardcode any files. Just drop it in the MU-Plugins folder, and thats it.

    This is not changeable for the enduser.

    For users of standard WordPress, there is also a version of the same plugin, with the same options.

    You can download the plugins from here.


  13. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    New version posted today. Added a widget for recent comments with gravatars.

    You can get it from the Plugin homepage.


  14. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Congratulations on developing what looks to be a very well rounded plugin. I'm also happy you were able to make use of the author description widget I made.

    I just wanted to inquire about one thing:

    If you are using gravatars throughout the site as opposed to locally based avatars, then would it still be possible to pull in the user's avatars on the homepage of the MU site as I have done here: ?

    I'm looking for a way to integrate Gravatars into the WPMU Avatar pack, mostly because many users who are not members of the community are coming to comment on blogs on our servers, and dislike the fact that they need to signup on our site to get an avatar.

    If I did do the integration, it would require checking for a local avatar first, and then going for a gravatar if no local avatar is found. But I do like many of the options you've been able to bundle into your plugin pack, particularly the option include the gravatar at the beginning of each post.

    Perhaps we should be in touch?

  15. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    suleiman, in my desperation to pull off what you've got on your site, i'm working to combine your avatar plugin with this:

    i'm trying to recreate what they've got going on the front of WP. it would be amazing to combine your avatar plugin, gravatars, recent posts and the WordPress MU Blog Categories Plugin.

  16. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Wow, could he have made a longer function name? :D

  17. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    i know, right? how often do you have your function name cut off by wordwrap?

  18. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #


    I've been looking at the possibility to do that. It should be simple enough - /me thinks...

    The MU version of the plugin is somewhat on hold, since I've done some working on the one for standard WP. I'm trying to let users sign up for a Gravatar within the plugin, thus they don't leave your site to get one :-)

    You can send me a mail at rune (at)


  19. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Version 2.2 is now out. Plugin download.


    • 2.0 First public release
    • 2.1 Added one option, fixed typos and changed alignment of img. Also added Recent comment widget with Gravatars
    • 2.2 Added the possibility to set the about page that the picture in the Author Widget points to, if nothing is set by the user it points to about


  20. bloggsbe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    New version of this plugin, just a small fix. Some insist on using CAPITALS in their email addresses, and the gravatar system does not like that....

    This version fixes this problem.

    You can get it here.

    BTW; Happy new year!

  21. bloggsbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    New version of the WPMU version of the wp-gravatar plugin.

    You can read more, and download it from the plugin site.


  22. qza
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Can I use gravatar with WPMU Avatar? Is there any problem if I install both of them?

  23. bloggsbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

  24. bloggsbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    There was an error in version 2.2.2 of this plugin, causing the Author Profile Widget to make a mess of your sidebar. If you downloaded this plugin before 27-01-2008 02:30 (CET +1), then you have to download it again.

    The version numbers are the same!

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    This is just an issue with the WPMU version!


About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by bloggsbe
  • Latest reply from bloggsbe