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Home theme reverts (18 posts)

  1. richardh37
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Yes this is on another thread but I am frustrated and could do with an explanation as to why, when I change the theme for the main blog (the sites blog) it simply reverts back to the default blog when someone registers!.

    I create a great theme page using the 'home' theme and when i registered a new blog and returnwed to the sites main blog it was once again the default blog theme! So i changed themes altogether for the main blog (changed it to anarchy theme) and then registered a new blog. once again i returned to the main blog to find the default back in place!

    why does it do this guys?

    thanks for help

  2. jonimueller
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I'm not sure, but starting a new thread is not going to help future users if they are having the same problem. See my post in your previous thread.

  3. richardh37
    Posted 19 years ago #


  4. bsdguru
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Okay. I've not figured out why exactly this happens but I think that there is an issue with the caching on the new blog creation page.

    The following patch seems to rectify the cached information being changed for the main website. I've wasted my afternoon trying to track down the exact cause of this adding quite a bit of debugging code, but when I'm on holiday later this year I should have time to figure out why the cached is getting polluted with the newly created blog's data.

    Index: wp-newblog.php
    --- wp-newblog.php (revision 15)
    +++ wp-newblog.php (working copy)
    @@ -205,6 +205,11 @@
    $err = createBlog( $newBlogID.".".$domain, $scriptBaseName, $newBlogID, $weblog_title, $admin_email, $source );
    if( $err == 'ok' ) {
    + /**
    + * Fix mysterious cache pollution issues with newly created blog by flushing the current blog's
    + * cached parameters.
    + */
    + wp_cache_flush();
    if( $_POST[ 'u' ] ) {
    $details = get_invited_details( $_POST[ 'u' ] );

  5. bsdguru
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Commited in changeset #4 on my wordpressmu public subversion repository (

  6. fimion
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Thank you for fix.

  7. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    This does not fix it for me. My problem has nothing to do with registering new users, but uploading template files and WP thinking the theme doesn't exist. I can't get it to recognize anything but the theme named "default" in the folder name now.

    Obviously my user's theme needs to be "Default" or it won't be default. If I change this, the user's theme breaks as well.

    Right now they're stuck as one and the same, and my project's dead in its tracks.

    I don't have WP-Cache or any other themes, like the mobile theme.

  8. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Looking harder through all the threads, I want to now note that I can't find a cache setting in wp-config and I don't think the sample code really goes in another file, too.

    Anyone have a possible fix for me?

    Just the same ol' regular WP uploading template files and BAM. And I can't get it to accept my theme even though it's set as its theme in my blog settings under WPMU Admin. Note I don't have the main theme available to users, nor do I want it to be.

    Now I know I caused an error in the theme by deleting something, but everything's restored and yet I can't get WP to accept the theme still. I hope this info helps.

    I'm stuck and the site is put on hold. (It's not "live" yet, thank goodness.)

    Oh and wp-newblog.php doesn't exist in my install. ?

  9. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Maybe I should take out this function


    ? In whatever file it is set to run from. But I can't find it. Only printing a message in admin if a theme doesn't validate ( if ! kinda thing).

    That's in themes.php under wp-admin/. I can't find the file that function is set in. Required from the themes file is ..


    And those aren't it.

    Humm. I'm stumped. Windows can't find ANY file with that in its search - odd. I'm going to try to search the trac.


    All I can find is this

    Which doesn't seem to help me..

  10. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I found this page:

    From this new thread:

    And changed the MAIN folder to "default" (after changing the user folder to something else) then set this

    add_option('template', 'default');
    add_option('stylesheet', 'default');

    To the new user default.

    But now both templates use "default" so that overrides the setting in the file.

    I changed the MAIN template folder from default to a meaningful name, now a USER page is blank, and so is the main!

    OK I tried something else but now my domain won't load. Argh, I'll try again soon.

  11. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Sorry I haven't posted. I'm moving 9 states away, so it's hard.

    Can someone please try to help me? I plan for this site to be my job someday and it's broken really badly.

    I just tried re-setting the main blog's layout to "home" but it didn't work.

  12. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    OK every time I try to turn on the two themes, my site goes down.

    Is the fix for this coming out in a new version for MU soon?

    *Knock knock* Is anyone there??????????????

  13. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Now when I try to activate the themes, I get a 404. I can't even remember the past steps at this point. ARGH!

  14. WPITn2shape
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I went through the upgrade process, but I can't tell how it went, because it doesn't say what version I'm using. GRRR....

    And I can't access FTP for my whole hosting account right now.

    Now I think my site's not loading. CAN I PAY SOMEBODY, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE MY FUTURE JOB?!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. dsader
    Posted 17 years ago #

  16. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    WPITn2shape - feel free to email me. :)

  17. kingarty
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am having the same problem as well. I can't seem to change the 'Page template' from the 'Default option'. Its strange because the pages that I've already created are stuck on their respective templates. I'm thinking maybe one of the WP files got messed up? Any help would be much appreciated!

  18. theapparatus
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Did you create additional Page Templates for your theme?

    Are they labeled correctly?

About this Topic

  • Started 19 years ago by richardh37
  • Latest reply from theapparatus