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URGENT PROBLEM: How do I delete .dll files? (16 posts)

  1. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I was away in Germany for a couple of days, and my wife decided to let our daughter play on her computer while she would browse on my totally clean and pristine one... So of course I have some viruses now. Problem is, I have used all my security software, and Ad-Aware etc., but it does not stop.

    I never use IE, but Firefox as default, but this stuff keeps popping up IE. I found some .dll files in the system 32 folder dating from when my wife was on the comp. but I can not delete them, even when I have explorer off and try from the command center.

    Does anyone please have a clue how I can get rid of these unwanted .dll files? Please..!!

  2. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    ..also tried in Safe mode, but to no avail.. Other than an clean installation, I hope there is an alternative...

  3. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    What's a .dll file? :D

    he he he

  4. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    sadly it is not funny...

  5. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Wasted 8 hours already on this... My wife says she was looking for an easier web site building software and found something called and something from Microsoft.. She was only playing, claims she did not allow any download at all...

  6. andrewbillits
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Try renaming the dll file to something like "some.dll.bak" and then try deleting it.


  7. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Stupid thing is that she never builds web pages.. She just decides that any software is better than what I use, and then tries, and finds it is not, and goes on... in the end nothing comes out of her fingers ever, and I am left to clean up the mess...

    Going to have to install passwords on my computers to protect them from my wife.. Is that pathetic or what?

  8. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Andrew, I tried that, but since the file is apperently "in use" it will not allow that..

  9. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Sorry about your luck, but I do find the situation funny.

  10. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Luna.. I know.. It is unless you're in the middle of it... Gotta kick some discipline into my wife.. No respect I tell you...

  11. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yep. Gotta know how to train them. :D

    I'm not really laughing at you, but (honestly) with you. Been there, done that.

    My wife "used" to (like in 98/99) have her own computer. She went out and bought herself a Compaq, complete with windows 98.

    While I laughed at her to begin with, I was the one fixing it at least once a week. Whether it was a virus (although it had anti-virus on it), or something else she had hosed up ("But I didn't do anything honey, I swear!"), or whatever it was.

    I shit you not, I had to slick and reinstall the OS on a weekly basis. Once 2k came out, I "procured a copy" and locked it down. Never had a problem after that.

    Of course I was laughing (although really pissed off), and kept typing away on my Mac. :D

    I finally ended up going "office space" on that compaq though, when the power supply shorted and took out the motherboard with it. Ah, justice was served.

  12. andrewbillits
    Posted 17 years ago #

      Andrew, I tried that, but since the file is apperently "in use" it will not allow that..

    Ah, it's one of those that won't let you kill the process. In that case i'd suggest using a live cd to boot into linux and then delete the file.


  13. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Andrew.. What is a live CD?

  14. andrewbillits
    Posted 17 years ago #

    It's basically a copy of linux that you can boot from a disc. They're very useful for accessing the hard drive when windows won't boot or is having issues.


  15. dutchy4c
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks Andrew. I am downloading it now. See if that works. Thanks again.

  16. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    here is a tip:

    I used winternals long before MS aquired them and they used to be great.

    Try this one:

    you can schedule deletion of a file at next reboot :-) takes care of any stuborn file ;-)

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