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NextGEN Gallery supports WPMU (20 posts)

  1. alexrabe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I finalized the support for WPMU. If anybody is interested to test the new version of my gallery plugin, please give me a note.

    Also ideas and tips are welcome...

    See here for more:

  2. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am currently using it with wp so just send me the alpha and I'll test it on wpmu ovizii at zice dot ro

  3. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Actually I have it in place on an MU install. Yeah, it required some hacking for sure. :D

    Pretty cool that you're pushing to support MU though Alex. You'll be a hit around these woods for sure.

  4. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    yeah, right. one of the first galleries with wpmu support :-)

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Oooooo.. I'll test it...

  6. gulflee
    Posted 17 years ago #

    who ever know where to get it, btw i m waiting for alex

  7. Quien
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Where can we download the MU Version?

  8. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Did you check the link in the first post?

  9. Quien
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yes, it explains he has obtained a version working with MU and then the only link points to a repository in which there doesn't seem to be the MU version.

    By the way, looking to the modifications it has done, that version doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for: the user has to install it, and I would need it to be preinstalled on each new blog. Will keep looking.

  10. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    It's the same version. There isn't a seperate one just for MU. The user can activiate it if it's just in the reuglar plugins folder. you can get reugalr plugins to enable automatically on new blog creation, or you can run it in mu-plugins (dunno if this one will work right htere) so it's on all the time and can't be shut off. I will warn you that doing so might (okay, will) run up processing.

  11. Quien
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks for your answer. By manually activating it on each blog, it works OK. When using Plugin commander so that it gets activated on each new blog, it doesn't work since it doesn't create the database tables. Putting it in the MU-Plugins folder just doesn't work.

    I think I am doing everything correctly, just don't know why it doesn't work. I have the same problems with WP-Polls.

  12. PBO
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I bet this one better than YAB since yab is does not support MU

  13. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #

    For further information on my experience with NextGen Gallery plugin, see here:

  14. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Are you satisfied with the plugin? What are your users saying? In my opinion it is better to usu WP 'upload galleries' options than using this plugin... to keep things simple. What are real benefits that this plugin can offer? I'm not provoking, I really want to hear comments from someone who is using it inside MU. Thanks.

  15. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #


    I wish I could go into detail on the benefits of using this and how users like it, but I only have it installed on development site so far, it is not yet live, and the only user blogs I have are test ones that I've created.

    With the next month or so, I will be opening the site for beta testing and I expect to get feedback from users, so I will definitely let the community here know what works best in my situation:)

  16. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    OK, thanks. Just to let you know, right now I'm using:
    in combination with WPMU's 'multifile-upload' options. As a result you get really decent image/video galleries/playlists, and what is more important, it is really simple explaining blog owners how to use them.
    On the other hand, ability of creating albums inside NextGEN is really something... I was wondering, why don't WP/WPMU 2.5/1.5 RC1 galleries (which are created while uploading files for current post/page) don't have id's? Did I miss something?

  17. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I think the ID would be the post they are attached to? At least that's what I got out of it.

  18. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Thanks for sharing the plugins you use. It's always nice to know how others are doing things, and more importantly, to know that what they're doing is working;)

  19. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    You're welcome. Of course I must warn you that those plugins were made for WP and that some bugs could occur when using them with MU.

  20. ligio
    Posted 16 years ago #

    what about WPMU 1.5 and nextgen gallery V1.00 ?

    I tried to install this photo plugin in the new candidate release of wpmu, but it doesn't work!

    The plugin go on asking me to "Upgrade NextGEN Gallery".
    Then, I click the link "Start upgrade now..." [/wp-admin/admin.php?page=nggallery-setup&upgrade=now]

    Then the message "Upgrade sucessfull" appears to me with the link "Continue..." [/wp-admin/admin.php?page=nggallery-setup]

    But when I click this link, the setup page asks me another time to upgrade!

    Someone already solved this problem?

    thank a lot!

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