I just posted this over at Drupal.org, but of course this concerns you all as well:
I love the idea of offering blogs to people who participate in the Drupal-based community sites that I admin, but really Drupal's blog module, compared to any full-form blogging software is severely lacking, and I don't forsee it catching up.
What I think would be amazing is some module/hacks to sync WordpressMU and Drupal user databases, as well as a few other simple links in between the two. (The bar that comes up on the top of the page when you're logged in to wordpress could easily contain Drupal-related links, and making a block in Drupal to post something to your blog/blogroll/etc would be fantastic, too.)
I really have an uber-minimal understanding of php and mysql (despite running open source CMS'es for 4 years now or so), or I'd do this myself. Anyone else either interested in using something like this if it were developed, or interested in developing it? Or, hell, has anyone ALREADY done this? ; )