I see a lot of posts that say you can't edit themes from within wpmu. This was not completely true for previous versions. I haven't tried it yet for 1.3, but I assume that plugins and themes can be edited from the admin panel with the following changes (will test when I have time).
The menus in /wp-admin/menu.php are commented out for editing themes, plugins and a couple of other menus. In 1.3 /wp-admin/theme-editor.php is missing, but it would simply be a case of copying theme-editor from an older version (I assume, I haven't tried it yet, but will). /wp-admin/plugin-editor.php is still available, but is -as in older versions of wpmu- made unavailable to the user. By simply activating (uncommenting) the menu items in /wp-admin/menus.php and and changing the code as follows a site admin can edit themes and plugins.
in plugins.php line 8 to get the following line:
if( is_site_admin() != true && $menu_perms[ ‘plugins’ ] != 1 )
and edit /wp-admin/plugin-editor.php and change line 3 to
if( is_site_admin() == false ) {
die( __(’You do not have permission to access this page.’) );
themes is easier since you only need to edit uncomment the menus and edit line 3 of theme-editor.php in the same way as in plugin-editor.php
is_site_admin prevents users from accessing these files.
If there are other security concerns besides users having access to these files (which using is_site_admin() prevents) please let me know.