I think this is a utf8/unicode issue. I've seen this on a couple different php/mysql programs I use when updating to utf8. Sometimes, it also sometimes results in other characters like queston marks and little white boxes replacing spaces and returns in text.
I had the \'s problem in some blog titles after upgrading to 1.3 as well. It seems on my install, it only impacted existing blogs, but not newly created ones. My database isn't updated to utf8, so that may be part (or all) of the problem for me. I haven't found a fix for the problem, but I have found at least part of a correction. The blog title is in the "option_value" field of the "Options" table of each blog. The following sql querry will correct it on a single blog, but what I haven't figured out yet is how to change this to make it update multiple tables...if anyone can figure that part out and post back, that would be great...I tried wildcards in pace of the blog number, but no luck.
UPDATE wp_13_options
SET option_value = REPLACE (option_value,'/s','s')
WHERE option_name = "blog_name"
One other option that was suggested by a programming friend was to do it with php and he suggested the following php script...however, I can't get that to run...still working on it...if I figure it out, I'll post back.
$link = mysql_connect('mysql_server', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');
if (!$link) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$db_selected = mysql_select_db('mysql_database', $link);
for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++
$sql="UPDATE ".$tablename ." SET option_value = REPLACE (option_value,'/s','s') WHERE option_name = 'blog_name'";
if (!$result)
echo $sql." Failed";