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Latest Nightly - list of what needs fixing (12 posts)

  1. Farms
    Posted 18 years ago #

    So, the latest nightly (29.11), plus those excellent people at blog-o-matics .htaccess fix (I deleted the second instance of the second line rather than changing it) seems to work pretty well.

    There are a few little bugs along the way though so before I upgrade I thought it'd be a good idea to ask people here if there are any big problems which one should avoid and also if there are any other small bugs that need squashing.

    Here's my list of existing things I can pick:

    -Password protection of individual posts doesn't work (you don't get the password field)
    -The "Authors & Users" tag under "Users" is broken.. I just replaced it with an earlier version and it seems to work fine
    -With this earlier version there is a small problem in that if someone tries to add a user that doesn't exist it returns 'User created'... which, of course, they haven't been.
    -Import still doesn't work - I just got rid of it from the menu

    Anyone know any other bugs or fixes for the above.

    Cheers, James

  2. Farms
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ooo, this is a nasty little bug...

    If you try to enable themes it lets you click all 60 of them or so, click on update, does the process... and then none of them are updated.


  3. sskhalsa
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yes I can't really update anything! The Site Feeds can't be changed on the admin page, Site Admin--> Options , cannot be changed either. Furthermore, My script to call the number of current blogs doesnt update either, only the number of users change.

    I wonder If I can downgrade to the October build?

  4. blips
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Almost everything works for me;
    Except for enabeling or disabeling theme's, the 3/12/05 version works for me.
    All these changes had to be done again like;
    -Rewrite rules (Thanks excellent people at blog-o-matics)
    -Error in Users.php
    -Fix to delete tables if you delete an account
    Not a big deal but these errors/fixes are wandering around too long, any developers around who are able to fix this?

    Anyone got the enable/disable theme fixed?

  5. Farms
    Posted 18 years ago #

    imports & password protecting works???


    With those themes going I could consider an upgrade!

    Thanks for reporting back blips

  6. blips
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Ohw I missed the Password and import, not sure about those Farms, sorry.

  7. Farms
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Import is working (well, appears to be) on the latest nightly (8 December) and I just saw Donncha getting password protection to work on (although it doesn't work on the latest nightly though... perhaps some .htaccess edit needed?)

    You'll need to run ITDs patch here to get logins working:

    And this for the .htaccess too:

    And you'll almost be away.

    As long as the theme selector has no fix then it's not really usable as yet.

    Any ideas on:

    -password protecting posts
    -fixing theme disabled / enabled

    Gratefully received :)

  8. itdamager
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Themes are broke because site_options are broke. I fixed that in patch 1.

    Password posts are fixed here.

  9. Farms
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Almost there... using the latest nightly (14th Dec) the password protection box shows up but when you input correct password you're taken to and given a 404.

    Apart from this it look scarily like this might be almost there to stable from a users perspective!!! Great work, thanks for all your help & time all of ya!

  10. Farms
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Oh yeh, themes are fixed already in this nightly for anyone dropping in

  11. itdamager
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Donncha changed the login routine in pluggable.php which breaks not only the main login, but breaks the site cookies too, which in turn, once again breaks password protected posts!

    Whenever I make a change to a program, I like to actually verify that it works on my test system.

  12. kahless
    Posted 18 years ago #


    I don't get a 404. I just get redirected to the main page of the blog. This is with the 12-13 build and all of ITDamager's patches, except for wpmu-functions.php.

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