On my wpmu blog I have 3 pages in which I am running a mixed rss feed from hand picked blogs on my site. The mixed rss feed is from a site called feed digest. It is just basic text.
What I want to do, is instead of using a 3rd party site like feed digest, is there a way I can just handpick feeds from certain blogs on my site so that they will show up on a certain page?
For example, for "page 1" I want joe, jim, and johns teaser feeds to be displayed. (I say teaser because I want the blog to show the first 100 words or so and then the user can click to read more) Their feeds would be something like: john.myblog.com/feed/ etc. etc....
Is there are way to mash all these together onto a page like this through my current site instead of having to use feed digest? I hope this makes sense. Thanks for your help.