Posted by: demonicume
i'm using this plugin to display recent posts. i'm trying to modify it to display site avatars. looking at the plugin, it already has a function to display avatars
'if ( function_exists('show_author_thumb') ) :
$profilepic = show_author_thumb($thispost[0]->post_author , 32);
echo $profilepic;
i was able to display my default avatar by cobbling in stuff from the avatar plugin, specifically:
'function author_image_tag($authorID, $tags = '', $display = true) {
$path = author_image_path($authorID, false, 'absolute');
$width = author_image_dimensions($path, 'width');
//$height = author_image_dimensions($path, 'height');//again not needed
$tag = '<img src="' . author_image_path($authorID, false, 'url') . '" width=' . $width . ' '. $tags . ' ' . ' id="authorpic" />';
if ($display) { echo $tag; } else { return $tag; }
any ideas on to make this pull the appropriate avatar? my end goal would be to display latest posts with avatars. any ideas would be appreciated.
[The original thread had some code posted which detonated the forum. I couldn't repair it easily so thought a new one would be okay. The other thread remains so mdawaffe can check it out. - Mark]