Hi I've recently created a website at http://angloindianblogs.com. I've used wp-o-matic as my first feed reader and then wp-autoblog.
Right now I'm using Feedpress to post blogs onto the frontpage and would appreciate it if I could know of a way to delete wp-o-matic created posts and wp-autoblog (way too many 3 digit tags) posts from the mysql database. I can use phpmyadmin in cpanel but I am not certain which database tables contain posts by wp-o-matic (I assume its tables with wpo_ in the name)and autoblog.
There are about 150 posts on the front page created by the three aggregators and I was wondering if there are quickways to delete posts using phpmyadmin in cpanel I have empties/truncated entries in tables with wpo in the name assuming those are wp-o-matic tables (wp-o-matic module was disabled and deleted before I went into the database)