Is there a way to make an element shared on all user skins?
For example I want to add a forum for the community. I can add that from the main Blog page then the users would have to go to the main page then to the forum. I would like to add it so even if they pick and use custom templates to customize the look of their site, it would still have a link back to the forum.
Is there a way to do that?
Hardcode it in the themes is one way.
Write a mini-plugin to hook into one of the theme calls (like the footer) to insert the link. Only problem is some themes may not have that hook.
The hook wp_meta may be another hook to try this with. It's used in the meta widget as is called by many themes' sidebars as well, just like the wp_foot(er) one.
Posted 17 years ago #
The bad part about that, is that if the user decides to use widgets, and then doesn't use the meta widget, you get no link.
Hook into the footer, and put it there.
Hard coding into a theme should be avoided if possible, as if that data changes, you then have to edit every theme you have.
Ignore this post - I wasn't thinking straight