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Interested in some Paid Work? (23 posts)

  1. MrBrian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Anyone experienced in wordpress hacks / plugin development and interested in some work, take a look at my bid request on

  2. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Unless you're looking for the below average script kiddie in Jr. High that codes out of mommies basement, you may wish to reconsider your "maximum" on that.

    As a professional programmer, your request appears to have "Dom PĂ©rignon" tastes on a "Colt .45" budget. Not to be mean, but it's tough not to come across that way.

    Better than $15, I guess, but if it's properly done it wouldn't even end up paying minimum wage.

  3. andrewbillits
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I agree that $60 really isn't enough for this project. You're probably going to have to bump it up a bit to snag a decent person for the job.


  4. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

  5. Vimm
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I dunno, write a plugin that runs the sample AdSense code provided when someone creates a blog? Sounds like a 10-minute job to me. I'd do that for sixty bucks.

  6. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Um, no. It's integrate the Adsense account creation so that the user can also create an adsense account when they sign up.

    From the request:

    "The job is to integrate the Adsense API into the wordpress account sign up page (wp-signup.php) so that every person that creates a wordpress account will also receive an adsense account."

  7. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It is not a ten minute job. It's not even a two-hour job. Not, like is said above, if one wants it done properly.

  8. gighen
    Posted 16 years ago #

    you should at least complete your wp-mu installation before somebody else will do that

    [Spammy link removed. Please do not repost - Mark]

  9. Vimm
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I guess I don't see the complication. I haven't used AdSense, but it looks like account creation consists of making a SOAP call to the AdSense server (using the sample code). All of the information needed in the call is either provided by the user (e-mail address) or created with the blog (url). Writing a plugin that makes a SOAP call to AdSense when a blog is created is simple, especially when the SOAP code's already provided. I don't see what more work than that is being asked for.

  10. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Um, actually the "spammy link" that was removed is attached to MrBrian's account and I believe that gighen was providing it to show the reasoning behind his or her post. I doubt it was entended as a sig.

  11. Iron
    Posted 16 years ago #


    useless thread...
    Someone should write some rules for this forum.

  12. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    We did. (Well copied and pasted the ones) They were even made a sticky but they were removed shortly afterwards.

  13. MrBrian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I understand wanting the max bid higher. At first I thought this would only take about 30 minutes. My understanding was just the same as Vimm's, as all that is required is to make a soap call to create the account. I did this myself in 30 minutes. Afterwards, i realized I couldn't do it entirely "behind the scenes". Google's Terms of Service needs to be displayed to the user for acceptance, Association must also be possible, and error codes.

    For a picture perfect example, check out Go to the sign up page, fill in the first page, then proceed to the page where you create/integrate an Adsense account. Their sign up process has exactly what is needed: a page after account creation that allows the user to create a new Adsense account or use the one they already have. This job is not hard. Maybe if i could read wordpress a little better i could do this myself faster. Fact is i need a programmer for future work, i have little time, and i don't want to bust my ass figuring out wordpress at the moment. I would like whoever takes the job to be interested in permanent work on the site creating custom plugins and applying updates as MU gets updated.

    Vimm interpreted what i was looking for originally, and which I did myself in 30 minutes. Maximum is now $170 and this MUST be completed by the 15th to meet the API program deadline. Please email me at admin at and we can chat on MSN. Sorry if some of you were offended by the maximum bid lol, i'm a programmer myself and just underestimated the requirements.

    As far as forum rules, i respectfully looked before posting this. Type "forum rules" into the search bar or look anywhere and tell me if you find anything.

  14. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    the forum rules for this board are the same as the regular ones. Seeing as this is a subdomain off of that... yes, it's an assumption, yes this is confimred by an actual mod recently. (look for podz's posts on the subject.)

    Also, I am totally swamped with work at the moment & horrendously overbooked. :D

  15. MrBrian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks for reply. I agree that the mods should probably re-add the rules to this forum. Recently I had seen another post about paid work whereas a mod only warned him about posting twice in 2 hours, but nothing about the topic of his thread.

  16. demonicume
    Posted 16 years ago #

    well if they are rules, they should prolly post them here. as serious as people are around here about the difference between WP and WPMU, you'd think that concept would extend to these imaginary 'rules'.

  17. Rafik
    Posted 16 years ago #

    WPMu users used to be "professionals".

  18. andrewbillits
    Posted 16 years ago #

      WPMu users used to be "professionals".

    Was that really necessary?

  19. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    There are no mods here as the original one resigned in disgust due to an issue with the programers. Just for reference, the rule sticky was added in by the former mod and was removed by a staff member/ programmer.

    Considering that most of the threads around here show that folks aren't even reading the readme file included with the download, can you honestly say that foilks would see, read and pay attention to a rules sticky? Most of what's in there is common sense anyway.

    Oh and MrBrian, if you were talking about this thread, please note that an answer was in fact given.

  20. ekusteve
    Posted 16 years ago #

    There are no mods here as the original one resigned in disgust due to an issue with the programers.

    You sure seem to have tremendous amount of knowledge for someone who has only been participating here for 2 months...welcome to the Mu forums.

    I thought Podz was a mod here...did Podz resign?


  21. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Mark is an employee for Automattic.

  22. podz
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    ekusteve - theapparatus knows as much as anyone here about WPMu and has a huge amount of experience here. He is known and respected by others here because of that.

    I will find the old sticky or if someone who knows the forum would like to create a new one I will sticky it.

    I can't speak for this forum but in the .org forums I would invite critics to step up to the challenge of consistently helping out others in their spare time and to do so with little thanks. Simply by doing so and being there for others means those that do this should be afforded politeness and some respect. It's very easy to pop into a forum for 5 minutes and criticise. Maybe things should be 'nicer' but that takes effort from everyone and no-one ever got offended by the word 'thanks'.

  23. ekusteve
    Posted 16 years ago #

    ekusteve - theapparatus knows as much as anyone here about WPMu and has a huge amount of experience here. He is known and respected by others here because of that.

    Okay...thanks for the info. Not sure where you saw the criticism in that post. However, I believe in "mutual" respect...enough said.


About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by MrBrian
  • Latest reply from ekusteve