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Post view counts (3 posts)

  1. storpappa
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Is there any recommended method to get post view counts, either in the posts or on the manage page?

    I have found several plug-ins but they seem to ber very old. One was a 2005 version to a 1.x wordpress and no reference to MU.

    So, I would like to know how many times post A has been viewed. Any suggestions on how to do it?

  2. theapparatus
    Posted 17 years ago #

    The post view counts widget that gamerz wrote works real well and in fact we use it to determine most read posts within our mu installs.

    can't give you a link as I'm on a locked down terminal and can't open up a news window. do a google search for gamerz and I believe it's called wp-postviews.

    Make sure you're using the version for wp 2.3 as he's forked stuff between the versions. Worked fine without any edits.

  3. storpappa
    Posted 17 years ago #

    thats - installed and working at on my blog. I really need to get some better skins tweaked for the family and stop doing the seasonal change out. Plug-ins like this which need a simple mod are a pain with theme overload :)

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by storpappa
  • Latest reply from storpappa