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MU in a folder under docroot (9 posts)

  1. carnold
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have 1.3 installed and the front page working but when i enable permalinks other than the default, all pages give a 404. I think it might have something to do with the web structure b/c i put the htaccess file in <docroot> and the pages work with other permalinks. The structure of our web is <docroot>/vhost/sitename. So MU lives in a folder under the <docroot>. What is the right way for MU under this type of web structure? Also, in the admin panel, the blog address is domain.tld as is the web address. Should these be different in this structure?

  2. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    So MU lives in a folder under the docroot

    Is this the root for the domain in question or a directory under it?

    Can you post a link so we can see what is occuring please?

    I know you checked the error logs in your other threads on this subject (Sticking to a single thread on a subject by the way is a plus so we can see where you are within your issue. These new threads are not helping anyone and shouldn't be done.) but you don't mention them here. Do you see anything in there?

    Also, in the admin panel, the blog address is domain.tld as is the web address. Should these be different in this structure?

    Depends. Is what is in there correct for where wpmu needs to ber? Can you give specifics please?

  3. carnold
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Sorry, the link is
    This is the root for the domain but MU does not live in /srv/www/htdocs/. The error logs are full of the "internal redirects" (the log does not log visits, it only has internal redirects). If this would make it easier, i could give you login to the admin panel and to the box so you could see the structure? Let me know @ carnold noATspam electrichendrix pleaseDOT com
    Sorry about starting a new thread but i am not sure, at this stage, if this has anything to do with the internal redirects.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Why can't the htaccess file go in the same directory as the MU files?

  5. carnold
    Posted 16 years ago #

    (That's what i am trying to figure out) Good question but when it is there, nothing works but the "home" page. If you goto now, the htaccess file is in the MU dir, you will see all permalinks and pages are broke.
    And in this present state (with htaccess file in MU dir), the apache logs read:
    "file does not exist : /srv/www/htdocs/vhosts/sitename/2007, referer"

  6. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I beginning to think that mod_rewrite is not active on this server. Even the feed URLs don't work. And if it's looking for that /2007 as a file, that's further proof.

    Can you get with your host and see if mod_rewrite is turned on with this account and domain, please?

  7. carnold
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I host this myself (i don't have a host).
    I have a phpinfo file at and mod_rewrite is installed and turned on as before i went to MU i was using WP with permalinks and that required mod_rewrite. I also have apache configured to followsymlinks and allowoverride all in apache conf

  8. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Then why the hell is it looking for a file....

  9. carnold
    Posted 16 years ago #

    lol, dude i am trying to figure this out too. Now, if you like, i will move the htaccess to the docroot and watch everything start working? But before that, take note of the "speed" the home page loads. Then when the htaccess file is moved, notice the speed the page loads
    Something also just came to mind......i moved from WP to MU. I imported the posts and comments and the like into MU from WP. Surely, this would not cause pages/permalinks to break? I still have the old DB in tact....I am wondering if i should delete the MU post tables to make MU have 0 posts, then see if pages work. Then, if they work, import 1 post and see if pages work....I don't know, i am willing to try anything.

    You guys are going to kill me :)
    It seems something was amiss in my vhost config. I removed the followsymlinks and allowoverride entries in the vhost (these are set in a global conf file).....and now it works with the htaccess in the MU dir. The pages still load sloowly (would like to find out why). I have apche configured for gzip. Does MU like requests for gzip?

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