We have a site journalhub.com, that we are converting to wordpress MU.
We currently have it at journalhub.net being done by an outsourced company. They don't seem to grasp the concept we are trying to achieve with the site, so we need someone to finish the work.
Here's what we need. Visit journalhub.net for the reference.
Where it says top blogs, we want the top 10 most used blogs to show there. We would like each blog to have its own avatar, and show the avatars next to the blog titles. We would like this to show as two columns of 5.
Where it says comments, we would like it to show the 5 most recent comments overall from all blogs.
Where it says recent posts, we would like it to show the 5 most recent posts overall from all blogs.
We would like to add another section on that side that lists the 5 most recent blogs to sign up.
We would like the journalhub most current post to show. Right now the holle world shows. We would like that to show first with the Top blogs under it. So reversing their position on the page.
We are offering this blog hosting service for free, and need to monetize it somehow to offset the costs of the server and bandwidth. So we want to show ads on the blogs. We want all themes we add, to have a small header at the top that shows a small ad. It should be about 100% width times 40 pixels height.
We should also have a footer that is 100% width times 100 pixels in height.
If any of you can do this let me know, and let me know what you will charge for this service.
there are some other features I may want to add, so I would like the person to contact me via email aslocombe@gmail.com or via skype at aslocombe.
Alvin Slocombe