I can do asp code all day long, but php, not so much. I'd appreciate any help/advice anyone is willing to provide.
We will be using WPDirAuth for LDAP authentication, and I need to limit the users to one blog per user only. What I don't want to happen is for users to create more than one blog by repeatedly visiting the signup page.
I am not familiar with the built in functions and related code to implement my plan. WpDirAuth will create an account for new users automatically when they log in, so I think by adding code to the signup page to check for log in status and pre-existing blog, I can pull off what I need. Here's my pseudo-code:
if user is logged in, then
check to see if they already have a blog (will have same name as their user ID)
if yes, then
redirect them somewhere else, perhaps a policies page or their blog
else (no blog yet)
send them to the signup page (which I will tweak to keep them from changing their blog name from their user id)
end if
else (not logged in)
send them to the log in page
end if