I'm interesting in how to convert several blogs from WPMU, to single WP blogs instead - is this possible at all?
I'm interesting in how to convert several blogs from WPMU, to single WP blogs instead - is this possible at all?
Right, exporting/importing databases from WPMU seems to work fine. I'm not sure how I should solve the images though, they are stored in /files/ in WPMU as I'm sure you know, but if I kill my WPMU install and update my permalinks for each blog, won't that screw everything up?
Follow-up. I solved the image issues by making a files directory in the blog root, copying the content from the corresponding blog ID's files directory in WPMU. This won't mix old uploaded images with new, but all old references work, and new ones will go into wp-content as usual for regular WP (unless I change it to files, which I just might).
Gotta admit that I just zip up the upload directory myself and provide a link to someone who is exporting out. I don't mind doing it and I would think it would be seen as a customer service plus.
There's no way built into wpmu (or wordpress for that matter) for doing so though.
Worked out OK nonetheless. Nice.