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[closed] Why some say that Apache is prefered on Windows? (3 posts)

  1. bloggus
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Though of setting it up on IIS and I have seen here thet with different URL rewrite software it works just fine on IIS too.

    Some here at the forum stil say that it should be run on Apache when use IIS, but why? Is it just so you are Linux/Unix lovers and have to diss IIS automatically.

    There is nothing, except the rewrite condition, that in anyway make Apache a better server to run it on. Nothing in the php/mysql code of WPMU shows indication that Apache should be run, or? Even runing Apache on Windows is worse than IIS, from performance reason.

  2. theapparatus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I, for one, would rather not see yet another forum have an argument over which server is better. There is no one best platform for a webserver. Each one has it's own strengths. Each one has its own weaknesses.

    Having said that though, do note that mod_rewrite, a required add on for wpmu, is a paid option for windows and IIS. Last time I looked, it was a serious chunk of money.

    If you want to run wpmu on IIS, that's for you to decide. That's a personal choice between you and your host. From your post, you;ve already made up your mind. Not sure why you want to have a discussion about it. We have enough folks causing trouble around here and look for an excuse to start throwing insults around. Please kindly do not encourage more trouble.

    Adding a modlook to this thread as, in my opinion, this thread should be closed as it's just a train wreak waiting to happen.

  3. podz
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Agreed :)

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