I Have problems integrating with wordPress,
I have site developed with PHP and symfony,
I have installed WordPress, and put it on blogs folder, under web directory, and all is working fine, i can view blog, and create new one.
now i try to call the log in page of the blog, from my site, mining in some point on my action i call wp-login
i have copied all the installation files, and put them under my module of symphony, in the template section
i have changed the name of wp-login.php to wp-loginSuccess.php hoping i can get started,
but i got error on:
wpmu-settings.php on line 116, the function is
function is_blogname_page( $blogname ) {
global $wpdb, $table_prefix, $domain, $path;
$blog_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE domain = '$domain' AND path = '$path'");
// is the request for a page of the main blog? We need to cache this information somewhere to save a request
$pages = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT LOWER(post_name) FROM {$table_prefix}{$blog_id}_posts WHERE post_type='page'" );
if( is_array( $pages ) == false )
return false;
if( in_array( strtolower( $blogname ), $pages ) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
when i remark all of it and return false, i get page that a blog with username nddevphp is not exist, and i can create one.
defantly i am doing something basically wrong,
could you please help me with this kick off?