is there a plugin for abuse reporting, preferable for reporting both blogs and users.
is there a plugin for abuse reporting, preferable for reporting both blogs and users.
No, you'll have to write your own.
i just added "Report bla bla" in every footer using 'sed', crude but easy :)
surely it would have been easier to put it into the footer function?
I know that some templates don't use the footer but ....
Find a contact form plugin and add it in to your install. You then add it to a Page within your main blog, routing it to your abuse address. Link to it elsewhere on the site like gighen does.
Making sure that all themes support wp_foot() might be a good idea, adding it in if needbe.
alright thanks I should be able to write a quck PHP script to foward the details via PHP Send Mail just woundering if if there was something.
I remember seeing a "report comments" pluign for regular WP recently. Haven't tested in in MU.
quick question, it's really more about PHP that the report abuse but the reporting script I got looks like this
$message = 'URL of Abusing Blog: ' . $_POST['URL'] . '/n /n Reason Given: ' . $_POST['Reason'];
but in the email outputs
URL of Abusing Blog: test/n /n Reason Given: testing
i tried \n as well i thought one of those was what you use in PHP for a new line. So it would look like this
URL of Abusing Blog: test
Reason Given: testing
Thanks for your help.