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Make the 'excerpt' show line breaks. (7 posts)

  1. t3ch33
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Where would I edit the excerpt so that I can get it to show the line breaks? As it is right now, the excerpt shows two paragraphs together, but without a line break. I'd like this to look cleaner. Thanks.

    And, from what I understand, you can add a piece of code to each post that tells WordPress to enter a line break, or that it's an excerpt, but I'm looking for a one-time thing. I need the actual page that contains the SQL statement. Thanks.

  2. t3ch33
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Nevermind. I found a way to make it show the line breaks in the excerpts.

  3. MrBrian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Don't forget to post how you did it, so that if someone stumbles on the same problem they will find your topic.

  4. unrealgecko
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I would like to know how to get a double space in the editor. everytime I use <br> or
    or even  
    good ol editor sticks it to my @$$ and eats it...err deletes it.


  5. karl19
    Posted 16 years ago #

    We long had a problem with this too, until a couple of days ago when we stumbled across -

    Dimming line #243 in editor_plugin.js (described in the thread above) worked for us and while we've not test run it a great deal, we've not run into any problems yet.

  6. joesacramento
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ugh I tried both these solutions and neither worked. In order for me to achieve control over my excerpt line breaks, I installed two plugins TEXTCONTROL and the Excerpt Editor on WP's site: In the latter I disabled BR's and set the former for NL2BR and NO ENCODONG and bingo. Works great check my blog These two tools allowed me to show excerpts on my main page with full formatting and image .. love it!

  7. MrBrian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Take care that Text Control does not slow down your server. It is a large file and WPMU will load it everytime if it's in mu-plugins.

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