Where would I edit the excerpt so that I can get it to show the line breaks? As it is right now, the excerpt shows two paragraphs together, but without a line break. I'd like this to look cleaner. Thanks.
And, from what I understand, you can add a piece of code to each post that tells WordPress to enter a line break, or that it's an excerpt, but I'm looking for a one-time thing. I need the actual page that contains the SQL statement. Thanks.
Nevermind. I found a way to make it show the line breaks in the excerpts.
Posted 16 years ago #
Don't forget to post how you did it, so that if someone stumbles on the same problem they will find your topic.
I would like to know how to get a double space in the editor. everytime I use <br> or
or even
good ol editor sticks it to my @$$ and eats it...err deletes it.
Posted 16 years ago #
We long had a problem with this too, until a couple of days ago when we stumbled across - http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=1561&page
Dimming line #243 in editor_plugin.js (described in the thread above) worked for us and while we've not test run it a great deal, we've not run into any problems yet.
Ugh I tried both these solutions and neither worked. In order for me to achieve control over my excerpt line breaks, I installed two plugins TEXTCONTROL http://dev.wp-plugins.org/wiki/TextControl and the Excerpt Editor on WP's site: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/advanced-excerpt/ In the latter I disabled BR's and set the former for NL2BR and NO ENCODONG and bingo. Works great check my blog http://joesacramento.com. These two tools allowed me to show excerpts on my main page with full formatting and image .. love it!
Posted 16 years ago #
Take care that Text Control does not slow down your server. It is a large file and WPMU will load it everytime if it's in mu-plugins.