Alright so i have custom domains working, but when i visit the admin side of the blog it dosnt show the plugin menu?
It shows them on regular hosted sites (subdomain)
its there something missing?
Custom Domain:
tut used:
let me scratch that. Is there a way to hide the site_admin part of the custom domain site?
I dont want them mucking around with anything other than there blog.
Login as a test user you create and I think you will find that they don't have access to the Site Admin portion, but you do since you are the site admin.
Posted 16 years ago #
That is correct.
Also, per domain, you have to turn the plugins menu on, as well as configure the site wide settings.
that was it trent, ty... one more question.
Is there a way to make the custom domain not register its own blogs, or to make it go to do you think .hta can do this?
If you turn off registrations for that domain in your Site-Admin there will be no one that can register. I guess you could find out where the message "Registration has been disabled." is coming from and add a link to the main site registration page. I would imagine it is in a language file somewhere....
Posted 16 years ago #
Or add a check in wp-signup for the server http_host, and if it isn't "mydomain.tld" then redirect to that.
Then you don't have to worry about it, and any request would be sent there, no matter where it came from.