I need the code to display the last updated blog....in others topics there are some code but don't work or dipslay errors ! help me please tnk
I need the code to display the last updated blog....in others topics there are some code but don't work or dipslay errors ! help me please tnk
i've posted a possible solution here
switch( $_GET[ 'action' ] ) {
// gets last updated
$blogs = get_last_updated();
print "<h3>Latest updated</h3><br><br>
thanks but i need to paste the code in a simply php page and not in the wpmu site. Fimion, can i include the php file in an other page php? thanks again
If I am not mistaken the above code should work in a stand-alone php page, assuming you throw in the appropriate WP header onto each page that you create.
As a side note, I tried to use the code listed above. When I did the only thing that printed from this code was
Latest updated
the rest of the page printed just fine, only nothing but array from the code.
Did I miss something when trying this?
i try the fimion code in a stand-alone php page and i obtain the same error of ergate...
Latest Update
the function "get_last_updated()" returns an array containing information about the last updated blogs. you'll have to go through that array, and output what you want.
ah ok thanks :D