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SMS/MMS handling (2 posts)

  1. hwz
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm planning on using WPMU as a Blog/CMS engine for my site.I require users to register for my site via SMS e.g: "Register <username>" & submit content/images via MMS directly to their blog.with this goal in mind I was wondering what would be the best SMS plug-in for WPMU?
    * To read incoming sms for username
    * To send formatted SMS "Welcome <username>! Your password is <password>".they can use this password if accessing the site via web.

    We plan to pipe MMS via email (coz u can send MMS to email-addresses).Thus we'll need a email-engine to handle incoming emails too:
    * can read source <mobile number>
    * detect/download attachments to a folder
    * possibly respond via email

    What can u guys suggest?

  2. byjournal
    Posted 17 years ago #

    ohh. mms support maybe can be supported - search for wp-mms plugin.
    but i don't know what to do with sms...

    P.S. i'm interested in it too! ;)

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