love <33333
love <33333
this has been brought up you know. But once again for the record: she's taken amigo :)
Um... thanks?
LOL @ suleiman - yeah, he's a keeper too. :D
Love for the help anyways :) Agreed!
me too!
I think i might as well. Sorry suleiman :\
Where's the hottie ?
Or are we on a different subject ;)
I suggest confessing your love in code.
$wpmu_master = 'andrea_r';
$fanatic_weirdo = 'xer';
if($wpmu_master['relationship'] == 'taken')
$result = $wpmu_master + ' would never date ' + $fanatic_weirdo;
}elseif($wpmu_master['relationship'] == 'single')
$result = $wpmu_master + ' still would never date ' + $fanatic_weirdo;
echo $result;
Thats brilliant MrBrian. I had to go and tell my brother there on what i was laughing out loud about and how sad i was :)
OMG, MrBrian, that's seriously awesome. :D
And strangely reads like something Mr Andrea would do...
Andrea is the best!
Yeah, I had to give the trophy away ! :P
andrea_r is a woman o_0
Agreed, all praise andrea_r.......:)
ehab, are you from earth? :)
this thread is worthless withouth ascii art pictures...
me too
isnt love all we need?
*edit: and wpmu 1.5
1.5 will do me ;)
(no disrespect Andrea!)