This is interesting, am working on installing the latest nightly on a university account and everything is working great apart from the login which is taking forever.
Exactly the same version is working just fine of my own shared hosting account but for some reason not here?
Anyone with similar experiences / ideas why this might be happening?
Welcome to have a go and see what I mean:
Thanks for yer time :)
Could be a dashboard issue?
Problem solving in action... it's because the dashboard is pulling in RSS and the uni webserver doesn't like it. Removed the feeds and bravo!
To make a permant dashboard feed fix, do the following:
1) grab a copy of magpie
2) write a script that will pull the dashboard feeds every X minutes and save it to a file called whatever.xml
3) set a cronjob to run the script every X minutes.
4) set the dashboard feeds to your locally cached copy and Presto! no more delay in the dashboard feeds. Not only does this help speed up YOUR system but it also will reduce the constant fetching of the remote feed. The admins of that site will be thankful :D
Posted 18 years ago #
Nice tip andrew. Anyone knows if this been successfully implemented or already included in the latest build? Thanks.