Posted 17 years ago #
Hello Everyone,
I am having a problem with the Profile Picture plugin where in IE6 it stretches the height of the picture because it is embedding the width and height into the html. I controlled the width with css but the height needs to be set to auto. However, it seems it embeds the original file size which is what is causing the image to stretch. Does anyone know if there is a way to auto size the width on upload to make it say 150px wide. I noticed on the author of this plugins website Filip said he had achieved this as well as a file size check but he didn't post how to get those changes or a way to get in contact with him.
Or at the least has anyone had any success in taking the embeded with and height out of the html.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Do you have a link to the plugin in question?
Honestly, I just use suleiman's
Posted 17 years ago #
Hi andrea_r, thank you for responding. I do have a link to her plugin. It is located at
Thanks for any help you can give.
the link I posted is based on the one you linked to, but tweaked for MU. :)
Posted 17 years ago #
great I will give that a try...thanks for all the help...just to confirm that can be placed in the author.php page correct? Thanks again!
Dunno exactly, but probably. it does all kinds of cool stuff, like sitewide avatars, and there's an About Me widget around here somewhere (if it isn't with that one) that pulls the pic too.
I’ve installed this, and all works fine uploading images. But when it’s uploaded it’s nor showing in the user’s Profile Page.
It’s only displaying:
Profile Picture
And theres no picture there. When I go to the Admin-ProfilePictures they are shown below Uploaded Avatars.
And how can I show the picture on a custom made Profile page? Like with get_avatar function?
I'm using the latest MU
Why? Probably becasue the plugin hasn't been updated in at least 11 months.
I just found out that the folder it creates got chmod 700
I guess thats why. If I chmod it 755 manually it works. Do you know how I can fix this?
Or do you know of any other good profile picture plugins?
you mean like avatars, or the built-in Gravatars?
I meen like User Photo. Finaly found this. Works perfectly for my need.
Thx for quick reply A
KingChaos: that plugin worked fine with WPMU?