Hi all,
i got a multi site setup running today with domain1.com and domain2.com beeing each one a site and a blog of course at the same time. Now i try to post via xmlrpc (using ecto for mac osx this time). First of all everything works fine, ecto recognizes the 2 blogs as it does with a standard wpmu setup. But when posting to blog 2 it posts to blog 1 by error and after retrieving posts for each blog i get all the posts of blog 1 on blog 2.
I guess this is a multi site plugin issue? Or is it probably a general WPMU XMLRPC problem? Anyone with any knowledge about that?
ok i found out this must be a big WPMU problem. This problem also accures on non-multi site installations and with other blogging tools than ecto.
i tested it on a fresh wpmu install with blogdesk and ecto with the same results. XMLRPC-Posts seem to go to blog id 1 only.
That's kinda weird...
EDIT: This of course happens using a user account that has access to several blogs (including blog 1 in this case).
Frank, can you please open a ticket in trac for this?
i will try ;) never did this before.
I've noticed the same with Ecto3 Beta (and earlier versions). But MarsEdit (mac) has no problem with WPMU and users with several blogs.
So it does not appear to be (just) a MU problem.
hmm i did a test on blogdesk (win) also and the same problem happened. Will retry it with mars edit on mac.