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Laggy Blog (11 posts)

  1. Qraal
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I setup the latest (as of the post date) Wordpress MU and everything seems to have gone fine. I setup a few test blogs for myself to make sure it would work fine for a few friends and they all worked fine.

    I registered a new domain for it and put it on a Ubuntu based VMWare LAMP Appliance ( which I have used a lot before in the past with normal Wordpress blogs...

    The problem... All my blogs so far work fine except one. When it gets hit, the browser just sits there "trying..." to bring the page up. After 8-10 seconds it comes up, then you click a header to go to that post, another 8-10 seconds, then it comes up. (I'm hitting it from my local network)

    I went over to another blog on the SAME system and it's immediate and superfast. No problems with ANY of the other blogs.

    I setup the DNS for my domain to send * over to the WordPress MU installation which is what I read in the install.

    I'm puzzled here as to why this ONE blog on the server is having all the trouble.

  2. Qraal
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Update: The blog that was slow had 3 posts (counting the default) and the ones that came up immediately were blank (except the default post)...

    The second I added a post or two to the "empty" ones, they became just as slow as the original one... ack...

    Has anyone seen this issue before?

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Nope. Anything in your erros logs?
    What about memory limits and maximum redirects? Do they need bumping up?

  4. Qraal
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Error logs were relatively empty... Had a module failing to load so I removed it... still having the same issue.

    The defaults should be plenty for the small installation that I am testing in... I've run much bigger blogs on the same LAMP server on the same hardware, etc.

    The VM is running with a dedicated 512mb RAM on an absolutely idle host machine. No other sites or anything is on either the host or the VM.

  5. jackiedobson
    Posted 16 years ago #

    How about a link? Maybe we can see something that you're missing.

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    But MU *is* different from just as regular ol' WP blog. It does eat up resources. Although there's plenty enough memory there... that's why I asked about redirects.

  7. Qraal
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Empty one with default post:

    One with two posts:

  8. Qraal
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Not too familiar with what you mean by redirects... Could you enlighten me?

  9. andrewbillits
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Also, what plugins do you have in mu-plugins?


  10. Qraal
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I had the iwphone which was for autodetecting iPhones and give client an alternate theme... Disabled it and didn't help.

  11. Qraal
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Problem solved...

    Moved over the database and all the pages to a different server. It is now on a Windows 2003 Server box running under the Abyss X2 Web Server and everything works beautifully!

    Thanks for the help though. Gonna continue trying to figure out why the VMWare LAMP didn't work well.

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