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After all ! Installation does not work (3 posts)

  1. tohave
    Posted 19 years ago #


    I have the problem with me for about 4 month! it seems that I will not be able to install MU in my server. I have MySQL and PHP (latest) running, unlimited database, unlimited subdomains and ...

    So, if any one can give me step by step instraction to how to set up things before I start the installation ( any congiguration within from CP or PHP my admin),
    and any further helps (I am totally new in this things) I will be greatfull.

    Also the link for download is broken and I do not have a fresh copy of MU !!!

    Thanks in advance

  2. startd
    Posted 18 years ago #

    A step by step would be nice. I could use one as well. I am having problems getting the password sent to me after setup and I have 3 php errors that popped up after the setup screen. HELP

  3. drmike
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You ask for a step by step guide and don't tell us the errors you're getting?

    Have you read the readme.txt file included in your download?

    Can you give us *ANY* details of your setup and your errors?

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