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wp-admin problems in some hostings (3 posts)

  1. bi0xid
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Just be careful, it can be annoying.

    When accessing your WP-ยต, you can either use wp-login.php or enter /wp-admin/

    If you are not authentified, the system will work correctly. But if you are authentified, it will try to reach wp-admin/ and it will fail.

    If you want to patch it:

    1. Go to your wp-login.php file in your host.
    2. Go to line 213, and make this change:

    $redirect_to = 'wp-admin/';
    $redirect_to =ABSPATH .'wp-admin/';

    It will work correctly again.

  2. jackiedobson
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Issues and fixes like this need to be brought up on the trac please.

    Probably should give some details as to your environment as we're not seeing this problem.

  3. bi0xid
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Moving into trac.

    Now it's more comprehensible

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