i have installed mu wordpress on my server
when i start using it, i found that the first page must be my blog
i want to edit the index.php but the other blog will error when it has been changed
is ther any way to edit index with no error?
i have installed mu wordpress on my server
when i start using it, i found that the first page must be my blog
i want to edit the index.php but the other blog will error when it has been changed
is ther any way to edit index with no error?
When you type in all caps (such as the title of this thread) it's usually the equivalent of yelling. Obviously some people don't like that so will be less inclined to help you out.
also MU WORDPRESS PROBLEM PLEASE HELP is not the best description of your problem, you are in the WPMU forum, so don't state the obvious but describe your problem :-)
sorry about that i will cahnge it
ok, you are still welcome, but to be honest, I do not really understand what your problem is.
I understand you have a default unmodified wpmu isntall. which version?
what exactly do you want to do by modifying the index.php?
sorry may be i expain again :P
my wordpress version 1.33
i do not want to have a blog but i want to give my friends to sign up a blog in my web site
i try to edit index.php and all the blog redirect to the index that i have editted
i want to edit index.php
to my web site
First off, you don't edit index.php to change the look of your site. You edit your themes. The default one I believe is "home" in your wp-content/themes/ folder. Friends will signup at http://yourblog.com/wp-signup.php if you have turned on signups in your MU-Admin Options page. Have you read all the documentation on this package?
if i edit the theme and my firend use the same theme
will my web site become his blog ?
yes. if you edit a theme all blogs using the same theme, will use the changed theme...
BUT you can easily make a copy of a certain theme and after modifying it restrict access to it to your blog. it has all been discussed before here,
BUT I thought your problem was another one, from your first post I understood you have a working site which you want to keep as the main site, and not use your "main blog" as generated by wpmu...
i serached the post and find a lot of people having the same problem........
any one can help me?