We're releasing Farms Spectagular theme pack today completely free on WPMUDEV.
It's a pretty neat pack with 94 themes, all checked and working on Edublogs, all WPMU 1.3.3 compatible (sheesh that broke a lot of themes :)
and best of all, all with tagging built in. So there are many themes here that could work for regular WP too which would otherwise have been broken or not have tags in!
And there isn't even any text in the footers that you'll need to remove.
Naturally though this is to mark another rocking WPMUDEV Premium release... Farms Avatastic Theme Pack.
Why 'Avatastic'? Well, every theme has been integrated with out new Avatar plugin that gives users separate avatars to blogs and thus allows for some serious comment avatar action.
Included in every theme is also an implementation of our Insert Comment Text plugin which allows for some neato subtle advertisng.
Oh, and for the first time there are no footer links in *either* theme pack. Not bad huh.
So have a free one on us, or sign up to WPMUDEV Premium for some serious goodies.
Cheers, James