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MuTags (2 posts)

  1. carnold
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I use 1.3.3 and MuTags plugin found at I looked through the plugin and see where the author says to get help here; so i will ask here in hopes of getting help.
    Where in the DB are the tags held? I don't know if this happened when i imported the tags or what but there are tags there that look like spam or something. I want to remove these tags.

  2. carnold
    Posted 16 years ago #

    OK, thanks to Andrea_r, i was able to delete the spam tags. Actually, these were categories. Which brings me to my other question: MuTags is a sitewide tag for post tags or for categories? I am not able to bring in any of my tags into the "tag-cloud". I do not have anything in the admin panel->mutags that says to use categories.

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