Having a problem with Donncha's WP Super Cache plugin and I can't figure it out. I have two installs of WPMU, both on 1.3.3 though on different servers.
WPMU #1 - been using WPMU since beta. Php 4.4.7 and mysql 4.1.22.
WPMU #2 - this was a new 1.3.3 install. Php 5.2.5 and mysql 5.0.45.
Both installs of WP Super Cache seemed to go OK, but WPMU #1 wasn't prompted to run:
ln -s /home/xxx/public_html/wp-content/mu-plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase1.php /home/xxx/public_html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php
As #2 was. I think I tried installing this in the past on that WPMU. At any rate - the problem. In the WP Super Cache Manager area for #2 all is fine, but #1 (the old install) none of the "Cache contents" files contain the subdomain. So, all the links are dead. WP Super Cache seems to be working fine and all the files look ok (compared to the #2 install) but I'm still worried something's not right. The files do appear to be caching, however.