I'm used none vhost setting to setup MU wordpress
but the path is not right
in the email I got there the path is : http://com/domainname/wp-login.php
but the real one is domainname.com/wp-login.php
& If I try to login this make problem on loging in & creating weblogs
What should I do to fix this ?
the path in the wp_blogs is correct
Posted 18 years ago #
I'm experiencing the same problem the path names and an additional problem in which the wp-admin has no stylesheet.
Unfortunately I can't see any dynamic solution to the path names problem.
are you working on a localhost installation ?
Hi, I've been getting the same problem under the following conditions:
1 - My domain is on a virtual host. For example, my particular virtual host configuration is
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/sgoinon
ServerName sgoinon.ca
ServerAlias http://www.sgoinon.ca
ServerAlias *.sgoinon.ca
2 - I choose the subdirectory blog format (sgoinon.ca/bloggername as opposed to bloggername.sgoinon.ca)
The problem I was getting was the style sheet link was
Using the subdomain blog format (bloggername.sgoinon.ca) has worked for me. Although I would prefer to use subdirectories.
I swear I'm going to make this a sticky...
You have two Server alias lines in there that say the same thing. I would delete the one that includes the 'www'.
Please double check what you used as a server address when you installed WPMU. Server address is mycomain.tld. It does not include the 'www' bit an, from looking at the past threads on this topic, most folks are putting this in.
Please also check here for a solution.
Hope this helps,
Posted 18 years ago #
I tried it every possible way (with www, without www, with http, without, with trailing slash, without...) and still had this problem. I ended up dumping the database and searching for the bad url...it's in several different places in the database tables. I corrected the urls in the database and that seems to have cleared the problem.