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Receive an email when someone sets up a new blog (2 posts)

  1. Farms
    Posted 18 years ago #


    Here's a sneak of my latest FeedWordPress plus WPMU experimentation:

    Have hit a wall though trying to hack this wp-newblog code to send me an email whenever a new blog is set-up (so I can then whack it into FeedWP):

    " $message_headers = 'From: ' . stripslashes($_POST['weblog_title']) . ' <wordpress@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '>';
    $message = __("Dear User,\n\nYour new WordPressMU blog has been successfully set up at:\n".$url."\n\nYou can log in to the administrator account with the following information:\n Username: ".$wpblog."\n Password: ".$random_password."\nLogin Here: ".$url."wp-login.php\n\nWe hope you enjoy your new weblog.\n Thanks!\n\n--James Farmer\n\n");
    @mail($_POST[ 'admin_email' ],__('New WordPress MU Blog'), $message, $message_headers);"

    Basically it's down to not knowing really what the heck I'm doing with PHP... could anybody with a bit of background help out here? All I want to do is insert a cc: (or another to:) to an email address that I can put in the code?

    Even better would be something which sent new blog registrations automatically to the email addy of the main blog holder, but I feel like I'm pushing it a bit there :o)

    Cheers, James

  2. Farms
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I've posted this question to my blog too... as well as a rundown (and request for feedback) on hows I'm using WPMU / FeedWordPress together for a postgrad course.

    Any comments would be v. appreciated!

    Cheers, James

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