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WPMU- simple theme -3 col, edit header, edit colors? (2 posts)

  1. kissmekate
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I just installed WPMU and a few themes - most notably the Farm one that has a ton of themes.

    the challenge I am finding is I need a basic one that is general and customizable.

    I am looking for three columns, changable header graphics and edtiable colors?

    There are a few 3 column ones, there are a bunch where you can change the header and there are 2-3 where you can change the colors... but none combined?

    Does anyone know of a WPMU theme like this?

    If not generally available - if someone writes one I will buy it (for a reasonable sum)

    (Yes, I know I can edit the CSS on the a theme and probably handcode the colors, header etc - I am lazy and want to be able to do it from admin area of individual blogs)

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Try here:

    Or if you get real stuck, let me know what you mean by "reasonable". :D I can do it, I'm just backed up with work at the moment.

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by kissmekate
  • Latest reply from andrea_r