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weird spacing issues with safari (4 posts)

  1. bwinn
    Posted 16 years ago #

    When I make a post using safari, the spacing looks fine before I publish it. Nice paragraphs and everything, but then I publish it and they all turn into one paragraph and gets all messed up. Anyone else having this issue?

    How do I fix it?

  2. adisonedu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    We had the same problem and found out that the code needed to be tight meaning using <p> </p> and <break> (br) where needed with no spacing in between.

    There can be hidden spaces that safari finds but are not visible while looking at the code.

    Hope this helps

  3. staytunedfor
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Same here, code had to be exact and to the letter. Watch out for spaces you don't see, watch out for code that does not belong.

    Also, God forbid that you use microsoft word and cut and paste the code into wordpress. Talk about an utter failure and a whole lot of code that means nothing, except to IE of course.

  4. springcm
    Posted 15 years ago #

    "Same here, code had to be exact and to the letter. Watch out for spaces you don't see, watch out for code that does not belong."

    This is what got me. I had spaces I did not see and spent hours trying to figure it out before I found this post.

    I highlighted the code and low and behold there were spaces there I never saw...

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